Why do AR manufacturers collectively embrace major glasses manufacturers?

AR廠商為何集體擁抱眼鏡大廠? 不知道大家有沒發現,除了AI之外,許多新出的AR眼鏡或AI眼鏡,似乎都找上了眼鏡大廠進行聯名或合作。 在剛結束的雙十一活動中,AI硬體一迎來了爆發式的銷售成長,其中AR眼鏡的銷售成長超200%,成為AI硬體中頗受關注的類別。 AR眼鏡AI化已經成為這個產業的共識,許多廠商都在緊鑼密鼓地研發自己的AI AR眼鏡,希望可以趕在競爭對手的產品發表前上市。 AI+AR的概念有多火?用简单的一句话其实就可以形容:小米、苹果、谷歌、Meta都被曝光有对应的产品正在计划or研发中,最快的产品计划进度已经接近量产阶段,可能会在明年就上市。此外,有意该项目并且正在评估的品牌则有:OPPO、vivo、华为、腾讯、字节,几乎所有的科技巨头都将目光望向这边。 AR眼镜已经走到了成功的门前,接下来想要攻破用户的「大门」,必须靠整个行业的协作,让AR眼镜逐渐接过部分手机的职能,最终成为手机的「标配周边」。

《AI智能眼镜白皮書 Smart Glasses Report》

Smart Glasses Report》 AI智慧眼鏡融合了多種硬體的優點,作為傳統眼鏡上發展出的智慧穿戴產品,具備資訊取得與互動的便利性,相較於手機、電腦等傳統電子終端,AI智慧眼鏡能夠解放使用者雙手, 提供更具沉浸式的互動體驗,是未來發展下AI部署的最佳載體。 維深資訊研究數據顯示,2023年全球傳統眼鏡銷量超15億。 而作為在傳統眼鏡上發展而成的AI智慧眼鏡,同樣具有龐大的市場規模。


中國AI智慧眼鏡產業聯盟在2024年8月23日於深圳舉行的首屆AI智慧眼鏡高峰論壇中正式啟動。 The China AI Smart Glasses Industry Alliance was officially launched at the first AI Smart Glasses Summit Forum held in Shenzhen on August 23, 2024. 詳情 Details: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/b2NlbFpEluc4eE2OjB74DA

JBL Soundgear Frames: Exclusive RX Lens provider

非常開心與大家分享一個重要嘅公告。 今天,Imagineer Academy榮幸地宣佈與World-Tech Distribution (HK) Limited達成了一項令人振奮的合作夥伴關係。呢個備受推崇嘅合作將授權Imagineer Academy成為JBL Soundgear Frames配備RX鏡片嘅獨家合作伙伴。   Imagineer Academy一直致力於為我哋尊貴嘅客戶提供眼鏡行業及新世代尖端智能眼鏡資訊。透過今次合作,我哋將承諾提升到一個新嘅層次,確保我哋嘅顧客能夠獲得市場上最出色嘅度數鏡片與智能眼鏡嘅融合。透過提供配備RX鏡片嘅JBL Soundgear Frames,Imagineer Academy滿足咗需要配戴處方眼鏡嘅人士嘅獨特需求。   請繼續關注我哋嘅更新同獨家優惠,一起迎接與World-Tech Distribution (HK )Limited呢個激動人心嘅合作伙伴關系。音頻與眼鏡融合嘅未來已經到來,Imagineer Academy自豪成為你通往呢項開創性技術嘅門戶。   感謝你對Imagineer Academy嘅持續支持同信任。畀我哋共同擁抱一個視覺和聲音和諧共存嘅世界。 按我 立即訂購屬於自己嘅JBL Soundgear Frames專用鏡片喇! We are thrilled to share a momentous announcement with all of you. Today, Imagineer Academy has the distinct honor of unveiling an exciting partnership with World-Tech Distribution […]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! How Smart Eyewear can increase your experience?

Smart glasses can certainly be used to enhance your Christmas celebrations by playing music and spreading holiday cheer. Here are a few ways you can incorporate smart glasses into your Christmas festivities:     Remember to adjust the volume levels and ensure that the smart glasses do not obstruct your vision or pose any safety […]

Halloween is coming! How Smart Eyewear can increase your experience?

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How to choose YOUR Smart Eyewear?

When choosing smart eyewear, it’s important to consider several factors that align with your needs and preferences. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind: It’s important to note that the smart eyewear market is continuously evolving, so it’s worth keeping an eye on new developments and product releases. Additionally, consulting with eyewear professionals […]

What are Smart Eyewear, Functional Eyewear, and Photochromic Eyewear?

Technological improvements in eyewear have had a significant impact on our lives, providing various benefits and enhancing our overall comfort, safety, and convenience: Everyone has their own life. Imagineer Academy aims to cater individual needs and provide the right choice(s) to improve your life! With Smart Eyewear, Functional Eyewear, and also Photochromic Eyewear, these technologies bring you […]


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