仲未到聖誕節,周圍都已經好有聖誕氣氛,相信大家心情都好興奮,好期待。咦,係唔係有嘢未準備?係咩呢?係喎,每年聖誕節當然唔小得,梗喺交換禮物或者買禮物送比自己喇!未唸到買乜?咁啱喇,今次Gunnar有推廣活動,為大家精選聖誕禮物參考: 可透過以下網址直接下單:https://imagineer-academy.com/product-tag/gunnar 另外,如需配度數,請透過以下網址下單: 成人款: 相信大家平日用電話,返工或者屋企對住電腦,都會眼乾又傷眼,帶番副Gunnar眼鏡喇!係光學嘅知識,我地作為專家,係眼鏡行業30幾年,完全深知係光譜原理上,黃色鏡片係可以擋走大部份藍光,減少藍光對雙眼嘅影響。預防勝於治療! 兒童款: 而家好多小朋友都有睇電子產品(電視/iPad/電話, 等等)嘅習慣,尤其係YouTube,簡直係可以得到安靜嘅時刻。但係大家都知,因為有藍光,所以長時間睇壞眼。咁點算?係光學嘅知識,我地作為專家,係眼鏡行業30幾年,完全深知係光譜原理上,黃色鏡片係可以擋走大部份藍光,減少藍光對雙眼嘅影響。依家仲要係SpiderMan嘅鏡架,真係吸引唔少小朋友日日嘈住要戴,有型又可以保護對眼,呢個世代真係要為小朋友準備好,預防勝於治療!
Tag Archives: Functional Eyewear
Smart glasses can certainly be used to enhance your Christmas celebrations by playing music and spreading holiday cheer. Here are a few ways you can incorporate smart glasses into your Christmas festivities: Remember to adjust the volume levels and ensure that the smart glasses do not obstruct your vision or pose any safety […]
Using smart glasses to play music can add an entertaining and immersive element to your Halloween experience. Using smart glasses built-in speakers to enjoy music while wearing the glasses. Here’s how you can incorporate music into your Halloween festivities: Remember to ensure that the audio setup you choose is comfortable and doesn’t obstruct your ability […]
When choosing smart eyewear, it’s important to consider several factors that align with your needs and preferences. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind: It’s important to note that the smart eyewear market is continuously evolving, so it’s worth keeping an eye on new developments and product releases. Additionally, consulting with eyewear professionals […]
Technological improvements in eyewear have had a significant impact on our lives, providing various benefits and enhancing our overall comfort, safety, and convenience: Everyone has their own life. Imagineer Academy aims to cater individual needs and provide the right choice(s) to improve your life! With Smart Eyewear, Functional Eyewear, and also Photochromic Eyewear, these technologies bring you […]